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Following the completion of the State Environmental Study (SES) for roadway improvements at Bangerter Highway and 12600 South, UDOT continued to meet with Riverton City to address concerns about potential visual impacts from the proposed design.


Results of these discussions have led to a reevaluation of the original SES that would allow for construction of a modified design of Bangerter Highway and 12600 South. Both the original SES and SES reevaluation documents are available for review.

SES Reevaluation Document: Click Here


As part of the effort to keep traffic moving on Bangerter Highway now and into the future, UDOT conducted a State Environmental Study (SES) to evaluate the  benefits and potential impacts of a freeway-style interchange at 12600 South. The improvements will be similar to the newly constructed interchanges on Bangerter Highway at 7000 South and 7800 South. 


A Public Hearing was held at Riverton City Hall on October 24, 2018. Attendees reviewed the draft State Environmental Study, learned about potential property impacts, and gathered information on the next steps. Click here to review the information presented at the Public Hearing.


The original SES is available for public review. For questions, please contact the project team via the contact information below. 




A State Environmental Study provides decision-makers with the necessary information to make the best project decision while considering anticipated benefits and impacts. The environmental process allows decision-makers to balance the expected transportation benefits, impacts, and mitigation measures.

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